MassResearch has 25 years of expertise in developing and conducting protocols for major pharmaceutical and device companies, as well as assisting start-ups in the investigational and approval process.
Our first clinical trial studied the effect of hormones on circadian rhythms that modify obesity and diabetic patterns. This first study sparked a passion to investigate diabetes and its accompanying complications and controls. Over the years, we have conducted research for a variety of indications, with a primary focus on endocrinology.

Phase I-IV, inpatient and outpatient, pharmacokinetic, clamp, most therapeutic areas, and healthy patient studies.
Medical Device
Blood glucose meters, analytical and robustness testing, lancets, injectors, applications, wearables, transdermal delivery, and medication patches.
Medical Focus Groups
Packaging, package inserts, applications, opinion, design, professional focus (MD, RN, Dietician, LD, Nutritionist, CDE, etc).
Research Experience
We have worked with most major pharmaceutical companies and CRO’s. We also enjoy working with start-up pharma and medical device companies, helping them to develop and initiate their protocols. Our sponsor retention is impressive – over 80% of sponsors have worked with us for more than 20 years and we exceed sponsor expectations for recruitment and data integrity. Although we have been through hundreds of sponsor audits we have only been audited by the FDA once with “no findings.”
• Inpatient and Outpatient | • Robustness Testing |
• Holter/Blood Pressure Monitors | • Transdermal Delivery |
• Pharmacokinetic Studies, 24-Hour | • Various EDC and QC Studies |
• 24-Hour Glucose Tolerance Testing | • Clamp Studies |
• Glucose Meter User Studies | • Glucose Strip Accuracy Studies |
• Glucose Meter Analytical Testing | • Electronic Diaries |
Therapeutic Areas
• Arthritis | • Hypercholesterolemia |
• Asthma | • Medical Devices |
• COPD | • Neuropathy |
• Dermatology | • Nutrition |
• Diabetes | • Obesity |
• Diabetes Complications | • Pulmonary |
• Dyslipidemia | • Transdermal Delivery |
• Hypertension | • Podiatry |
• Nephropathy |

Patient Demographics
MassResearch maintains an active database of more than 3,500 patients and has access to patients from the private practices of our investigators. Our patient population ranges in age from adolescent to elderly and hale from various race, ethnic backgrounds and socio-economic status. Bentley University, Brandies University, Lasell College, Regis College and Mass Bay Community College are all within 5 miles or less of MassResearch.