
Who We Are
MassResearch is an independent, multi-specialty medical research company located in Waltham, Massachusetts—an area noted for innovation and technology. During our 25 years of experience, we’ve collaborated with pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers of all sizes to design, develop and manage clinical protocols.
At our core, we are seekers of the facts—accurate and reliable data— to assist sponsors in bringing new treatments, medications, and devices to support and improve health.
What We Do
As an independent research company, MassResearch’s sole focus is unbiased investigation of new and existing medications, treatments, and medical devices. We develop protocols and conduct clinical studies and medical focus groups to find new and improved ways to prevent, detect, or treat specific health conditions.
Our clinical studies may investigate how the human body reacts to a new medication, how a new medication compares to an old medication, or how a medication affects you physically or even emotionally. A medical focus group may involve evaluating whether a new medical device functions as intended, is easy or difficult to use, or performs better than existing devices.

How You Can Participate
Participating in a research study can be a rewarding experience. You may want to participate in a study to better understand and manage a medical condition you have, a condition that afflicts a loved one, or simply to help medical advances in general. Other reasons for participating in a study include having access to new medical treatments, and interacting with people who have the same medical condition as you or a loved one. Chances are that you or someone in your family relies on a medication to treat a medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease. Maybe you or someone you know uses a medical device to improve their quality of life. Before these beneficial medicines and medical devices can be made available to you and those you love, they must first undergo extensive laboratory and clinical testing to assess their safety and effectiveness.
Want to Participate?
It’s easy, just enter your information into our confidential study participant database and we will get in touch with you.
Learn & Earn
Participating in a research study may help you to learn more about your own medical condition or that of a family member or friend. Study participation often provides access to new medical treatments that are not available outside of the study and the opportunity to interact and share knowledge with people who have the same medical condition.
Should you decide to get involved in a research study, compensation will be provided for time and travel:
- For your screening visit – a study center visit during which medical tests (physical examination, blood draw, blood pressure, etc.) may be performed to determine if you qualify to participate in a particular study.
- For the duration you are involved in the study. As a volunteer, you may choose to stop your participation in a study at any time for any reason. The study investigator (physician overseeing the study) or the study staff may also discontinue your participation in a study if it is determined that further participation may pose a threat to your health.